-All student ,globally want to achieve an exellent grade but not many of them want to change their bad habit and some  of them only motivated on first sem but total loss on  next semester,so in order to achieve all those goals i will show you characteristic of successful student but firstly,you need a discpline and consistency ,both of them will make you achieve higher than you expected.
  • stay focus and avoid distraction such as smartphone
  • always thinking about your long term goal
  • attend all classes(unless you are sick) and take care of your health
  • attend on time or early to classes.
  • seat in front,it reduces distraction and easier to get point of what lecturer said
  • think actively and ask directly to lecturer if you don't understand
  • study where and time you love the most,its depend on what type of learner are you,exp;some student love to study silently or some love to study at late night such as me
  • have a small group discussment or partner but make sure its not talking nonsense or gossip
  • seek help with lecturer or someone if you need a help

  • you manage your own time
  • spend only 12 to 16 hours a week of classes
  • arrange your own schedule
  • lecturer may not remind you of incomplete work
  • lecturer expect you get note from class that you've missed
  • testing are ususally are infrequent
  • lecturer expect you to be an active participant the one that who comes with question
  • you take responsibility for thinking through and applying what you've learned
  • class are bigger
  • need to review notes class and text material frequently

 There are 7 types of learner:
  1. VISUAL : This type of person prefer using a picture, a video, or by looking the                             experiments itself to understand more about something.
  2. AURAL : This person are prefer to study while listening to a specific song. (for this   type of person, they might be easier to study by listening to orchestral  song while study)
  3. VERBAL : This person prefer using a common word without any creativity   such a drawing or colors.
  4. PHYSICAL : This person prefer using their body. (hands on activity) They are type that use physical concept while study such as walking and use hand                gesture to understand more.
  5. SOCIAL : This type of person might be easy to talk to a random person. So, the                   suggested study is to study with a small group or in a partner. (2-4 member is more than enough) 
  6. SOLITARY : Solo type of person. This people prefer to study alone without    distraction and they don’t need a study partner or something else.
  7. LOGICAL : This person are very detail. They mostly need to know the reasons why  something is done by that way. Such a complicated person.
  8. COMBINATION : This person can combine two or more study style.

 And I sometimes prefer solitary styles and sometimes I prefer social depends on subject that I want to learn and memorize

Hey there, I'm DANIAL NAJ!



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